Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Everyone needs rules

What is a rule you think the we should have today:

--at home?
--at school?
--in our city?
--in our country?

Answer all four.

What is a rule you don't think we need today:

--at home?
--at school?
--in our city?
--in our country?

Answer all four.

There must be a total of 8 answers for full credit.
Don't forget your name!!!!


  1. 1. The older brother should be in charge.
    2. Be able to bring video games to school.
    3. Smoking should be outlawed.
    4. Everyone should pray everyday.
    5. Kids should not have chores.
    6. The kids should not have to take back the breakfast bags.
    7. Animals should be allowed in all stores.
    8. No more laws on under age driving!
    Parker E.

  2. I think that rules we need today are, at home, we need kids to tell parents were they are so they don't get lost, at school, we need a rule that kids try hard in their tests, in our city, we need people to pick up trash, in our country, all people should have homes, and I believe that we don't need today, at home, you don't need to eat at the dining room table so you can socialize and watch a good movie, at school, you can stay inside from recess without getting in trouble, in our city, we should be able to have farm animals in fenced areas, in our country, everyone shouldn't have to pay expensive taxes.
    Eric R.

  3. for home
    1.PLEASE SHOWER DAILY!!!!!!!!!
    2.BRUSH TEETH DAILY!!!!!!!!!!!
    3.Do Chores EVERY DAY; don't skip chores!!!!
    for school
    1. DO NOT WORK AHEAD!!!!!!
    2. NO HOMEWORK!!!!!!
    1.OBEY LAWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MacKenzie .U.

  4. 1. for me to be incharge of younger children.
    2. don't bring electronics to school EVER!!!
    3.be carefule around the streets there are bad people
    4. be in a group when you can

  5. 1.For me to be in charge of Annie (evil,biting,nail scraping,growling lil' sister)
    2.More choices of food.
    3.No speeding(I nearly got killed last year from a teenager speeding to get to school, then our neighbor told her parents and then the following Saturday she brought us brownies ☺)
    4.Barak Obama not to be president
    5.Annie not being able to bite and or scratch me ( even though she still gets in trouble if she does it.)
    6.Kids bringing the breakfast bags.
    7.Animals should be allowed in all stores.
    8.Nooo Underage driving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Lieve L. ♀ ☺ ☻

  6. no poluition in our cuintry

    luke dodson

  7. 1.the littlest child shoould be in charge!!!
    2.no homework (ever)!!!
    3.no school for kids OVER the age of 10
    4. we should all pray everyday!

    5.i shouldn't have to do chores!
    6.we shouldn't have computer(only freetime)
    7.no smoking
    8.barak obama shouldn't be president!

    Raylie Hawkins **5C**

  8. i agree with Parker E.

    Beau J.

  9. Rules we should have today at
    1.at home we should be able to stay up late. No bedtime rule.
    2.at school we should have a rule of no running in the building.
    3.in our city people should not use bad language any where.
    4.a rule for our country is that everyone should be faithful to other people.\
    A rule that we do not need at
    1.home is the eat all your food on your plate
    2.at school we do not need the tardy bell rule
    3. the city does not need the jay walking rule because we are a small town. All cars watch out for people.
    4. we need all of the rules we already have in the counrty because they keep us safe and protect us.
    Bailey L

  10. i think that everyone needs rules, because we would all be just roming around not goin to school, and i love school, ''cause i get to see my friends, and teachers'' so therefore i am glad that we have rules. if we didn't have rules , we would all get hurt or somethen, so again im glad that we have rules!! =)

    sincerely, maddie serna

  11. I think that everyone needs rules. I think that because if we didnt have rules then everything would be very kaotic and unsafe.We need rules at school because if we didnt have rules we wouldnt t even be there.no matter what I think that we need rules everywhere!!!!!!!
    Sincerely,Jess Abney

  12. i agrre with raylie!!!! the youngest should be in charge and there should be no smoking , cause that is bad for everyone including the nonsmokers '' secondhand smoke'' and i think that we shouldn't hae chores and that oboma shouldnt be presedent, but i like computer!! i agree on the praying thing and there should be no homework, only spelling , cause i love spelling, and reading cause i love reading!!

    maddie serna

  13. I agree with Raylie!

    1.The youngest child should be incharge!(even though I am the only child)
    2. Kids over the age of 10 shouldnt have 2 go 2 school!(even though I am only 10,but turnin 11!!!!!!!thats good enough,right?)
    3.Barack Obama should not be president!!!(so right!!!!)
